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  Eliar Meine, Striker-18, was among the survivors and one of the most distressed since his wife stayed behind against his wishes and when arguing was forced through, powerless to stop her as she collapsed the universe in on itself, removing the Swarm threat completely. She returned two days later after the escape, empowered with the Praetorian gift that Tobias, the Ascended had given her for sacrificing herself for others and she so returned to resume command of the Imperial Remnant.

  Recon of the planet was made and the discovery of a primitive society that was within the medieval period was made. Exchange of food and shelter for medical supplies and aid was forged with the king. It was later learned that Quiedar were on the planet, a former ally of the Alltradeuin Empire. This created many questions for the Empire to answer, but none came, for Allena Dartin, the Empress of the Empire did not authorize such a mission of inter dimensional travel. It was stated by the towns folk that the Relic Ruins, a place of unholy nature could hold the key since none dared to venture close without death watching them. A team was assigned and sent to check out the area and they discovered an unknown force that attacked the team and separated them inside the caverns of a crashed ship. The team consisted of the two highest members of the Empire, Anna and Forbie Richmond along with a squad of stormtroopers. It was during the separation, that Forbie was enhanced with Enforcer technology. A mechanical species that had a highly technological ability to modify certain aspects of anything, and so altered the organic armor of Forbie in an attempt to control him, but his will was stronger than theirs and so laughed at their control attempts. Leaving the ruins enhanced and empowered, though in the process, making Anna, Gold Striker-01 rather angry.

  It was learned from Pyro, the Research and Development A.I. that Emperor Tonin had requested research into expanding into new dimensions and one ship, the Inhibitor, a Mark III Buster, the only prototype of its class that held an Inter dimensional Drive was sent through and was never heard from again. The project was scrapped and classified to only Pyro and the leader of the Empire.

  Judging by the ships age, rust and its historical sensor reports, it had been buried for almost 200,000 years, and given that Pyro informed the Imperial Hierarchy that it had only been sent out from the shipyard 2 years ago. This caused him to theorize that time in this universe moved faster, the old one moved slower or that the Inter dimensional Drive had an unknown parameter to Time travel. He is currently reviewing the reports and the Drive though it has been modified from earlier diagrams.

  For a time, nothing but slow progress was made until a threat arrived. The Waferian 8th Proclamation which was apparently the leading power of the universe attacked without warning and a prolonged conflict was created.

  The threat ended with an Imperial victory with the aid of the superships Zeus, and Shadow, taking the fight to the Proclamations home world and destroying it; thus ending the Waferian threat to the planet of K'riloc and the refugees from our own galaxy.

  Reference Points

  First Republic Attack

  In the first months of the Imperial Inception to the Universe marked with the GRA and Socialist Alliance, the Alltradeuin Empire decided to ally itself with the stronger of the two Alliances they believed would be beneficial in their conquest for rule of the Universe. Through diplomatic talks, it was decided the best way to solidify the alliance was to make an attack on the Republican main worlds as a test of strength. Cocky in his position of power, Emperor Tonin Meine took his two fleets, Dragon, and Orion to the two main worlds, Galantos and Pangea. Unknown to their intelligence rings, the Republic forces had installed new Thermal based weapons in their orbit, and within moments of the assaults, the new weapons had reduced the Imperial forces to nothing. The surviving forces that escaped were followed to the Kasian sector where their orbital defense weapons pounded the Republican forces while calls for aid from the Socialist forces were left unanswered. It was at that moment a bitter dislike for the Socialist Alliance was made. In the following hours after the attack, fleeting remains of ships, troops and ground forces gathered at Kasian Prime to begin a discrete rebuilding of the Imperial forces.

  First Socialist War

  Two years after the Incursion and the first Republican disaster, the Imperial Forces attacked the Socialist Alliance through an unprovoked attack to claim new territory and to give them a black eye for betraying them to the Republic Forces. The war lasted a little under a year, with 42 main capital ship battles, and 28 ground engagements. The Imperial Forces took the Socialist Capital and killed off the Chief Judge in command. Then as quickly as they came, they retreated and new territories were settled into the maps of all three Governments. A new Socialist line was brought in by the people, but a silent presence of Imperial power remains on all worlds still held by the Socialist Alliance.

  Second Socialist War

  Three years after the First Socialist war, which saw the deaths of over 50 Billion, and total cost of well into the Bazillions, the Alltradeuins struck again, though this time with a purpose. As the diplomatic corp of the Socialists begged and pleaded for a cease fire and understanding resolution, the Imperial Forces continued. They were after components to an Ancient weapon, one that could control the universe from a single position. Sadly enough, the main components were on Socialist worlds. A bloody six month confrontation, with Socialist worlds devastated by orbital bombardments and their lands uprooted, the Alltradeuins slipped back into their space. Public uproar across the universe rose against their behavior with the Republic government sending aid and assistance to the Socialist's, forming a bond of mutual respect and defense against the Imperial forces when next they left their borders. Secretly, the components the Alltradeuins stole were enough in repair that they were able to create Hellfire, a moon based weapon platform that would not be seen until the last days of the Universe against the Swarm Invasion.

  Coronis Incident

  The Galactic Police Force was created after the first Socialist War by an independent group seeking to govern the movements of the Three Powers in the universe as well as start to halt the operations of smugglers and pirates. The creation was sanctioned by the Republic, and Socialist governments, but not by the Alltradeuin Empire. This added tension to an already fragile state in the day to day lives of every being though the peace was maintained. The Galactic Police grew in popularity as reports of successful rendering of pirates and smugglers escalated each day. More ships and eventually a planet came under their banner and they believed their position in the universe was assured. Not so. An Imperial frigate, the Rejected Timber was chasing a pirate ship that had raided a derelict hull of a Titan Heavy Class Capital ship in a junk yard. The pirate ship made it into the neutral zone crossing towards the Socialist territory and a Galactic Police capital ship, the Heavenly Sword interceded between the two. The Galactic Police let the pirate get away while trying to stop the Imperials from breaking the space territory. The end result was a battle, where the Galactic Police called in three more cruiser rated ships and destroyed the Rejected Timber with a loss of all hands. The Galactic Police sent a receipt as well as a fine for endangering their ships, causing damage to their ships, and breaching the neutral zone. Enraged and furious, Emperor Tonin Meine set about a plan to destroy the Galactic Police for interfering where they shouldn't belong. On the Biological Research world of Tanis, Doctor Zwigiller was instructed to create a pathogen so lethal it could wipe out a planets population within 24 hours. A task the doctor lavishly completed in seven months. During those short months, Imperial Space Forces waged a private and lethal slaughter against the Galactic Police Forces, breaking their ability to transport and essentially causing their organization to crumble. They begged the assistance of the other two governments who decided it was best to remain out of the matter. Trapped and abandoned, the Galactic Police re-enforced their main world of Coronis, abandoning the others and bringing the remainder of their fleet to their planets defense. The attack didn't come immediately by an Imperial Fleet, but by
a trader carrying the pathogen so skillfully crafted by Zwigiller. When the trader entered atmosphere, his ship exploded, releasing the disease across the atmosphere which spread much quicker to the population than expected. In 2 hours, quarantine was in effect. 7 hours in the first hundred thousand died, the water was contaminated and the forests withered and died. 13 hours in, 60% of the population was dead, and after 21 hours, the world was a lifeless planet with the orbital forces only able to look on with disgust. An Imperial Fleet, led by the Emperor himself descended upon the world of Coronis, and in a single salvo, destroyed the remaining Galactic Police forces, lifeboats and escape pods were targeted and destroyed along with the ships. He wanted nothing left of this organization. Word spread through the universe to the terrifying end to the Galactic Police and its world of Coronis and outrage spread, forcing the hands of the GRA and Socialists to step in and deal with the matter. Diplomacy reigned and peace returned. The matter of Coronis was closed, and the Imperial Forces were not tried for the massacre of a planet.

  Chapter 2

  Essential Planets of The Keeper’s Universe

  This next Chapter has a description and brief history of each of the major planets in the galaxy. Descriptions will be updated as further stories are written, feel free to create and name your own planets as needed. There are of course hundreds of solar systems with habitable planets. Only a few of the most important planets are listed at this time.

  Galantos – Capital of GRA

  Galantos was the first habitable planet discovered and colonized by humans from earth. For the first thousand years it was governed by a monarchy and a parliament. As galactic governments were formed the monarchy abdicated in form of a Republic. The planet was chosen as the capital and has become the heart of all free worlds. It is a temperate planet with a variety of terrains, there is slightly more landmass that oceans. Republicus City fills up the bulk of one continent. Tens of billions of people live there making it the galaxies most populated planet. It is known for producing soldiers and politicians.


  Kronsk II is the moon of a large gas giant. It was once habitable a few thousand years ago but is now considered only semi habitable. It had been colonized early on in the exploration of the galaxy but had hundreds of nuclear weapons used during a war which wiped out all living things on the planet and ruined the atmosphere. The Republic uses the planet for training marines and naval officers.

  Balsavis – Capital of SA

  This planet has an unusual eight month elliptical orbit around its sun. Because of this six months of their year is very cold and two month are very hot with only a few weeks of in-between weather. The planet has very active plate tectonics that have created very high mountain ranges over much of the planets landscape. The far north and south areas are covered in snow and ice all of the year. There are large deciduous forests filing in the equatorial regions. This planet is known as the traditional capital of the Socialist Alliance. It is also known for its excellent quality of lumber and precious metals. It has no moon thus its oceans are very calm and renowned for great fishing, especially near the ice caps.


  The planet Deseret is a member of the Galactic Republic but has a theocracy (government controlled by religion) for the planetary government. It is also the only Republic member planet to never have enemy troops land on its soil. This is due to the heavy planetary shield system first invented on Deseret. The planet is normal with a variety of terrains. The planet is self sufficient and is well known for its schools of higher education. The planet is also very green and the citizens do their best to preserve the environment while still living in comfort.


  Pangea is a beautiful planet with a variety of terrains. The planet has only one large continent with a variety of terrains and a couple large mountain ranges. It also has an important history as one of the earliest planets colonized by humans. It also has ruins of a lost civilization. Over the years the planet has been the scene of many space battles. Most of the time the planet has belonged to the Socialist Alliance, but from time to time it was held by the Republic planting ideals of freedom in the minds and hearts of many. This ultimately led the way to Robert Griffin and the Republic freeing the planet and having it become a strong member of the Galactic Republic. The planet has a unique blend of farming and agriculture along with the latest scientific advancements. The capital city Zora used a great deal of crystal in the construction of their buildings.

  Rio Querino

  Rio Querino has usually been a member of the Socialist Alliance but has been a member of the Republic a few times over the millennia. The planet is known galaxy wide for its peppers and spices, it has also been known to generate a few dictators, some great diplomats, and some mighty warriors. It has also been a place where smugglers and pirates have made a living off the demand for their unique peppers. The planet is largely desert with several major rivers. The soil is excellent and with a good irrigation system yields plentifully.


  The planet Adaven is unusually close to is sun for a habitable planet thus much of Adaven is covered in high deserts and mountains. For many centuries it was an independent planet with many governments. It was preyed on heavily by space pirates for many years until Rifgok, a court marshaled Socialist Admiral with a rogue fleet took over. At the time many people fled the planet and went to the Galactic Republic. Rifgok ran an organized crime group off of the planet until the Republic helped the citizens liberate themselves from Rifgok. The planet has become a solid member of the Republic and is known for its manufacturing plants and refineries.


  Sidom is classified as a nearly normal planet. The planet has small oceans and lots of land of all types. The southern continent is known for its hilly grasslands and excellent soil for raising crops. The northern continent is mostly a frozen wasteland. The planet has long been a supporter of the Republic and is the headquarters for the Republic Army. The frozen north is used mostly for extreme combat training. The citizens are proud to host the Galactic Republic Army and also proud to be a major food supplier to the Republic worlds.


  Callisdrin is best known for its rare jewels and perfect large diamonds. It has many volcanic islands and other areas in the far north have pockets of lush green land. Because of thermal hot pockets a majority of the planet is tropical with the temperate lands covered in grassy plains. The planet has three small moons. One of which is used for a cemetery, one for military defensive purposes and the third is full of hotels and exotic resorts for the galaxies wealthiest citizens. The population is made of the galaxies elite upper crust as well as underground miners. The planet was one of the original planets to support the Galactic Republic and has always been a solid member.


  Most of the planet Verde is low lying swamp land covered in trees and brush. The world does have one of the largest varieties of plant and animal life in the galaxy. Many of the planets cities float on the oceans to conserve natural resources. The planet is home to many important individuals in the Socialist Alliance.


  Palora is an average planet with a variety of terrains. It is also home to the Socialist Shipyards. They do a great deal of manufacturing.

  Farnorth Quadrant

  The Farnorth Quadrant is a cluster of planets on the rim of Republic Space. They are full of space gypsies and backward planets. Pisgah and Laymoor are the most well known planets in the quadrant. Pisgah is populated by people who have rejected all forms of technology.

  Sapphire – independent

  Sapphire is one of a very few independent worlds. It is a normal habitable planet that can be self sustaining although they do export sapphires in large quantities. The planet has no extradition to any other galactic government and so a number of criminal organizations do business there.

  Minus Tenu – SA changes to AE

  Minus Tenu was once a Socialist strongho
ld. The main research facility for bio and chemical weapons was here. It also promoted all kinds of science and the military worked hard to create advanced soldiers through genetic engineering. An accident happened in a lab and a bio experiment got out of hand forcing the Socialist Navy to barricade the planet and bombard the surface. They killed hundreds of thousands of people to stop the spread of a living plague off of the planet. The attack was blamed on the Republic. The planet has a deep trench that runs several thousand miles in length. Many of the advanced military units survived the attack and lived in the trench making it a lush paradise for several years until they were rescued by Eliar Meine. Once the truth was out that the Socialists orchestrated the attack to cover their tracks and blamed the Republic the survivors on Minus Tenu became loyal and powerful members of the Alltradeuin Empire.